Surgical-procedure ( In-Clinic Abortion)

women's clinic


A one-day medical procedure called a “surgical abortion,” sometimes known as an in-clinic abortion, terminates a pregnancy. Usually, it takes place in an abortion clinic or a doctor’s office. You can choose to get an in clinic abortion if you’re in the first or early second trimester of your pregnancy.

How Can You Prepare for an surgical-procedure?

Find out all the conditions in advance if you’re thinking about having an in clinic abortion. Pre-abortion counseling is often required before the procedure in several states. You may need to wait 24 hours between counseling and the surgery in some cases. Therefore, it is important to call your doctor or the clinic before going.

What to Expect When Your Arrive at the Abortion Clinic Arrival and check-in

You might have to navigate anti-abortion protesters as you approach the abortion facility to enter. “Clinic escorts” or “patient escorts” are typically seen waiting outside the clinic. They work for abortion or family planning clinics as either volunteers or employees. Their job is to guide you from your parking space or the front of the building safely into or out of the clinic. Call the clinic ahead of time to ask if a clinic escort can aid you if you’re concerned for your safety.

What Does an In Clinic Abortion Procedure Look Like?

In-clinic abortions come in a few different varieties. Your doctor or nurse will be able to tell you which one is best for you based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Your doctor will do this treatment using a mild suction, medical equipment, local anesthetic, and oral painkillers that you take orally. Depending on the kind of in-clinic abortion you had, the time will change.

Suction abortion (also called vacuum aspiration).

The most typical kind of in clinic abortion is this one. If you are fewer than 14 weeks pregnant as of the first day of your last menstruation, your doctor will advise you to do this. It takes somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes and is a quick, safe operation. To ease any discomfort you might feel, the clinic may administer mild, moderate, or deep anesthesia.

If you have moderate anesthesia, you merely feel mildly relaxed or drugged. You’re “consciously sedated,” which makes you feel more at ease, when under moderate anesthesia. You won’t be as likely to react or awaken during a surgery if you get deep anesthesia.

If you’re less than 12 weeks pregnant, the entire appointment may take 3 hours. Your appointment will last roughly 5 to 6 hours if you are 12 to 16 weeks pregnant.

Dilation and evacuation (D&E).

This complex technique is typically provided later in your pregnancy (after 14 to 16 weeks). The cervix, which is the channel between your uterus and vagina, is widened and suction is used to empty your uterus during a D&E. The typical wait time is 15 to 45 minutes.

However, due to the complexity of this treatment, your doctor will prescribe medicine to help your cervix dilate the night before the procedure. This indicates that a D&E might require two days to complete. Cervix dilation is done at the initial visit to get ready for the treatment. About 3 hours are needed for this. It can take between four and six hours on the day of the surgery.

Does an Abortion Procedure Hurt?

It’s possible to experience cramping during or after a surgical abortion. Your cramps could be greater or less severe. Each person will experience various symptoms.

Abortions involving dilation and evacuation may hurt while being performed. The pain is somewhat stronger than cramps but still uncomfortable. Following the fetus’ removal by your doctor, you can experience uterine cramps.

What is a Surgical Abortion ?

If less than 14 weeks have gone since the first day of your last period, a surgical abortion, sometimes referred to as a vacuum aspiration abortion, can be carried out in a single day. The treatment is carried out in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia and with the help of oral painkillers.


The doctor, health educator, or doctor-in-training will ask you to take off your clothes below the waist and put on a patient gown once you are completely at ease. You can complete the process with your support person standing close beside you.

During the procedure, the doctor will:

  1. Use a speculum to view inside your vagina.
  2. Clean your vagina and cervix with gauze soaked in soap.
  3. Apply numbing medication to your cervix.
  4. Dilate your cervix, the tight opening to your uterus, with thin metal rods.
  5. Insert a narrow flexible tube into your uterus.
  6. Apply gentle suction to the other end of the tube to remove all of the pregnancy tissue.

Your uterus may experience a cramp toward the end of the procedure as it returns to its regular size, akin to a monthly cramp.

The majority of the procedure’s time is spent getting your body ready. The suction part of the treatment only takes a minute or so, and the whole thing takes 15 to 20 minutes.

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