Abortion Pill

What is The Abortion Pill?

Another name for the abortion pill is an early medical abortion. Did you realize that an abortion pill is actually a combination of many pills? An early pregnancy can be safely ended with these medications. Up to 10 weeks into your pregnancy, you can use abortion medications to achieve an early medical abortion (EMA).

abortion pill

How do Abortion Pills Work?

A medical abortion involves taking two medicines.

The first medicine – Mifepristone.

The pregnancy is terminated with this pill. It functions by inhibiting the progesterone hormone. The lining of the womb degrades and the pregnancy cannot progress without progesterone. Oral administration of one Mifepristone tablet involves swallowing it whole with water.

The second medicine – Misoprostol.

Prostaglandins are chemicals that resemble hormones and are found in these medications. The body naturally produces prostaglandins, which aid in womb contraction. This results in bleeding and cramps. An early miscarriage is comparable to an early medical abortion.

What to Expect After Taking Abortion Pills

You will experience discomfort, cramps, and bleeding. The womb contracts to force the pregnancy tissue out, resulting in these effects. Additionally, you can pass blood clots.

Usually, the abortion occurs two to twelve hours after taking misoprostol.

During your medical abortion, we advised that you be accompanied by a trusted adult companion or partner who is at least 18 years old. This is to assist you at home. Here are some tips for partners and companions on how to be a supportive person throughout a loved one’s abortion.

Pain Relief

Keeping painkillers on hand is crucial. The cramps could hurt more than your typical menstrual aches. We’ll administer some painkillers to you. Additionally, we advise you to keep some paracetamol and ibuprofen on hand at home. Your medical history will determine which pain medication is best for you. During your session, we will discuss pain management with you. Pain can also be effectively relieved by using a heat pad at home.


Each person and abortion may experience different levels of bleeding. Light, moderate, or substantial bleeding during a medical abortion is common. During a medical abortion, not everyone will have blood clots. The clots should be as little as a lemon for those who do. After taking the first medication (Mifepristone), you can begin to bleed. You still need to take the second medication, misoprostol, to finish the course of treatment if this occurs.

Typically, bleeding starts two hours after taking the second dose. The majority of patients will bleed for two to four hours. Light bleeding may begin, but it will increase stronger until the pregnancy is over. The bleeding will then progressively stop. Bleeding may last up to 14 days, then intermittently for up to 4 weeks, or until your next menstruation. Having sanitary towels that can handle a strong flow at home is crucial. You can monitor your bleeding and avoid infection by using sanitary towels.

How to Access Abortion Pills

In South Africa, taking pills by mail is a safe and authorized method of getting an abortion. Instead of going to a clinic, you can take both sets of abortion pills at home thanks to this. Up until week ten of pregnancy, this therapy is available.

Following your consultation, you will receive your abortion pills via postal service if you are a good candidate. Complete medication instructions and information about our aftercare service will be included in your treatment package.

Learn more about our postal pill delivery service.

We can make arrangements for you to pick up the medication from one of our clinics if that is your preference. In the clinic, some patients could be instructed to take the first tablet. We’ll talk about this during your consultation. Go here to find out more about what to anticipate during a clinical assessment. For a medical abortion, you can self-refer. To schedule a consultation, give us a call.

Learn more about our postal pill delivery service.

069 327 0730

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  • Surgical Abortion
  • Medical Abortion
For referrers:

If desired, you can request referral letters from us by e-mail (info@merlinwomenclinic.co.za) or download from our site.

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